Wednesday, April 1, 2009

For the sake of Metric's new album releasing, I'll review one of their earlier pieces of work!

B-Side albums generally don't seem to fair well as far as quality goes, but that's surely the opposite in Metric's case. The band's 3rd studio release proves that even early unreleased Metric tracks hold the same value as their others. The album is truly great, Emily's singing is amazing and drummer Joules Scott Key's drumming fits perfectly with Josh Winstead's bass. Though it seems Jimmy's guitar playing has taken a backseat to his back-up vocals, which at times seem unneeded, though it's interesting to hear his voice. The album starts with the title track, "Grow Up and Blow Away" which is an excellent track to start the album with, consequently it's also my personal favorite track on the album. The song really explays vocal finesse along with deep songwriting, not to mention the musicianship from the rest of the band is really shown, and it's quite impressive. Another noteable song is "Rock Me Now" which tells the story of lives lost in the city of Las Vegas, truly a unique song. It mixes elements of jazz, alternative rock, and pop. This is one of the songs where Jimmy's voice is truly displayed, though he has range, his voice doesn't quite fit Emily's.

The problems I have with this album, is it's length. Though a B-Side, I'd expect more. It contains 10 tracks that range from 2-5 minutes. Also, the album seems to have a very dark vibe throughout, perhaps a couple of upbeat songs would have helped? As stated before, Jimmy's guitar playing has taken a significant cut as well, which in most's opinion, is a key part of Metric.

Grow Up and Blow Away (B-Sides)
Lyrics: 4/5
Production: 5/5
Originality: 4/5
Lasting Appeal: 3/5
Overall: 4/5